You can send your tracks over the internet using a file-sharing service such as WeTransfer or Dropbox – files should preferably be 32-bit float or 24-bit and at the original project sample rate. Mastered files will be returned for approval, and once signed off a master for the manufacture or digital distribution will be provided to you or the manufacturer/distributor of your choice.
Lately, there’s been a welcome trend towards releases on vinyl records alongside the CD version, or on vinyl alone – vinyl benefits from a 24-bit master without the loudness ‘tricks’ typical on a CD, giving the eventual cutting engineer freedom when making the transfer. We can recommend record pressing plants that include the cut as part of a manufacturing package, and also specialist cutting engineers: please contact us for further details.
ADM (formerly MFiT - Mastered for iTunes)
We're also official providers of Apple's ADM format and are able to deliver high-resolution iTunes masters to our clients when needed.
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